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Addiction & Health

Addiction Science & Clinical Practice

Addiction Treatment Forum

Addictive Behaviors Reports

African Journal of Drug and Alcohol Studies

Alcohol Research: Current Reviews

Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Alcoholism and Psychiatry Research

Drugs and Addictive Behavior

Harm Reduction Journal

International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research

International Journal of Dual Diagnosis

International Journal of High Risk Behaviors & Addiction

International Journal of Wine Research

Journal of Addiction

Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy

Journal of Addictive Behaviors and Therapy

Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence

Journal of Behavioral Addictions

Journal of Drug Abuse

Journal of Reward Deficiency Syndrome

Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation

Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy

Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment

Tobacco Induced Diseases

Tobacco Prevention & Cessation

Tobacco Use Insights







                                                                                        Digital Resources




*Substance Use Disorders



*Harmful Effects and Consequences of Drug Abuse



           *Drug Addiction Family Effects and What to do if your Loved One is An Addict



*Meth Addict Roommate Caught on Camera…Stealing!



*Six Skills for Families Affected by Addiction



*Stages of Addiction and Recovery



*Stories of Recovery: Kristen Johnston (Facing Addiction)







*** Disclaimer:  The Charles Christian Tuller House does not have rights to the shared resources herein; nor are we responsible for the content, claims or representations of the listed sites.







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