Addiction Science & Clinical Practice
African Journal of Drug and Alcohol Studies
Alcohol Research: Current Reviews
Alcoholism and Psychiatry Research
International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research
International Journal of Dual Diagnosis
International Journal of High Risk Behaviors & Addiction
International Journal of Wine Research
Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy
Journal of Addictive Behaviors and Therapy
Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Journal of Reward Deficiency Syndrome
Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation
Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy
Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment
Tobacco Prevention & Cessation
Digital Resources
*Substance Use Disorders
*Harmful Effects and Consequences of Drug Abuse
*Drug Addiction Family Effects and What to do if your Loved One is An Addict
*Meth Addict Roommate Caught on Camera…Stealing!
*Six Skills for Families Affected by Addiction
*Stages of Addiction and Recovery
*Stories of Recovery: Kristen Johnston (Facing Addiction)
*** Disclaimer: The Charles Christian Tuller House does not have rights to the shared resources herein; nor are we responsible for the content, claims or representations of the listed sites.